Thursday, June 12, 2014

Erica found a great story!

Her words;

"Antennas Direct delivered a cake to Comcast CEO Brian Roberts to congratulate him on Comcast being named The Worst Company in America."

Here's the link! - What Happens When You Congratulate the Worst Company in America

Cheers Erica!



  1. Look what happens when you google "comcast sucks balls" A blog called "comcast sucks balls" pops up. Imagine that. An entire blog dedicated to just how much chode comcast does indeed suck.

    An entirely new level of suckage takes place when you bundle your verizon with them as well. What in the hell was I thinking?!

    1. I feel ur pain. Worst cable company ever. Wish they had som competition. Anything would be better than them.

  2. Fantastic!! I believe I'm going to sue old comcast, the sorry bastard. The Supreme Court DID say corporations have the same rights as people, so I can sue them same as anyone else, yes?!

  3. I am a Comcast Business customer. How do I send you my story on their really terrible service?

  4. THIS IS AWESOME! I'm writing a post on how much Comcast sucks balls full time on my own blog right now.

  5. After working for comcast for over 3 years i understood why north americans (US) are so stupid, they are lazy, don't have a clue how to make and own installation or feel like paying for some one else doing something that would help them, what they don't understand is that the world is bigger than just the US and being fat, white trash or black fried chicken girl is hard i can see... but please do me a favor a fuck off to all the comcast customers that complaint all the time

    1. Hey fuck face, how about you learn how to speak before you start calling people stupid. The fact that your company sucks such a humongous shaft has nothing to do with the size, ethnicity, gender, or preference of chicken cooking method. It has to do with them hiring imbeciles such as yourself and selling shit ass products like the x1 platform. Perhaps you guys just sell this shit in order to keep a job and feel needed, or maybe you just want people to waste their hard earned money on a product only to have to reset it for thirty minutes every goddam day. Whatever the case, I wish you and your company nothing more than a swift bloody end.

  6. Comcast is the worst company I have ever had to deal with. If Google , or Verizon lever comes to the Chicago I'm dropping Comcast like a bad habit. Customer service sucks. Everything about Comcast is a disaster. I don't how many hours I've spent dealing with their crappy customer service only to have to deal with them again and againt

  7. Just found this site, after typing a vulgar statement meant for Comcast's ears into Google search. lol good stuff here, it made my morning. :)
    I've had Scamcast for about 7 months now, and not once in this time have I got even 50% of the bandwidth I pay for. Not to mention the lovely "xfinitywifi" that gets broadcast without my permission, using my electricity and bandwidth to feed the neighbor's porn addiction (or whatever). I refuse to bother with customer service, they are trained to be retarded and are purely there to waste people's precious time. Hands down, the worst company in America.

  8. Help me, Google Fiber. You're my only hope.
