Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Worst Customer Service in America!!!

2015 worst customer service polls are now out, and guess who's number 1? Is it taco bell? Nope, they might give customers a 92% chance of the shits, but they deliver the beefy melty cheesy goodness, every time. You obviously don't need to guess, its.... Comcast!

Yeeehaaaaah! 28.3% of Comcast customers consider their customer service poor, while 54.4% consider their customer service experiences negative. That's pretty awesome! Does this come as a surprise to me, the author of this blog? To you, the consumers of the blog that share the same feelings, or to you comcast cares1, who no longer try to save face on this site and don't leave comments like you used to? I miss you comcast cares1, cmon, comment again like the old days please?

So now we can safely say in 2015;


You can read the original story from yahoo right here, its a good read, so check it out;

But hey Comcast, at least you can claim you are only roughly 7% shittier than the second shittiest right! That's the moto of a monopoly, they have no other options, so "fuck em"!

It's been a pleasure as usual =)


  1. Totally 100% agree....COMCAST AND THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPT BLOW!!!!!!!

  2. Ok. This is great (awful). My internet goes down at least 4X per day. Nothing I do will bring it up. But. But wait. If I call them they quickly ask for the zipcode affected. After I input that within three minutes, the service comes back.Unreal!

  3. Cancelled my account and created this device.

  4. Yea in the past week I have literally called or chatted with ComCast every day for various issues. Mostly a 24 hour outage yesterday.

  5. Comcast does not take ownership of any problems..its not the agents that u talk to..its the shitty process comcast gives them..

  6. They are THE WORST. I've been disputing my "new rate" because it's higher than what I was explicitly told by phone in July. Over the last 4 days, I've made 5 calls to them. One guy just dropped my call - put me "on hold" and I got a dial tone. Of course he didn't call me back. Then another guy Daniel promised his supervisor Jesus Gutierrez would call me with in 48 hours - he read me documented notes stating this. Guess? No call from Jesus and NO RECORD of my conversation with Daniel.

    Truly a shitty company with ZERO accountability.

  7. hey. comcast is garbage and everyone know its. you might consider signing this petition and sharing via social media.

    1. Comcast was a good company at 1 point in history lol but now I would most certainly sign a petition. They are ripping people off. I am one of them. They force customers into packages/plans

    2. Comcast was a good company at 1 point in history lol but now I would most certainly sign a petition. They are ripping people off. I am one of them. They force customers into packages/plans

  8. Im a technician for them and definitely they suck balls. Its a 30 year old system that they do patch work on. They come out with this shitty x1 platform and we have to put amps in for it to work right in alot of homes. They dont give 2 shits about the customers or employees. Its a shame that alot of customers still only have ballmast in their towns. Alot of people can get verizon dsl for internet but that isnt much better than dial up speeds lol.

  9. Comcast should be hit with a domestic class action suit. They are an insult to the American Technologies. They CANNOT DELIVER A QUALITY PRODUCE AND THEY HAVE NO SENSE OF SHAME ABOUT THE INSULTING NATURE OF THEIR SERVICE.

    Their programming, is nothing more than a rip off, to sell commercial advertisement, they have no quality programming.
    We The People -CAN LIVE WITH COMCAST, the best way to do it, is cancel their services.
    Send this same message to any company that does the same.
    We the people need to FORCE FCC to replace FREE Analog Broadcasting. and OPEN more bandwith for Analog Broadcaster to utilize.
    We need to dismiss any and every politicians who supported, Comcast, Time-Warner, Direct TV and all other subscription providers.
    They have fleeced the people long enough.


  11. Fuck you comcast!!! I'm using the 4G on my phone to type this cause your piece of shit internet doesn't work for shit. May as well cancel the damn service cause it hardly ever works anyways. The connection is fucking horrible!! Fuck you!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I have to agree with these comments...they definitely don't give 2 squirts of piss about providing reliable service to their customers.

    They would probably save money just to fix the real problem with their grid instead of constantly paying techs to visits people's homes. I just signed up with them about a month ago and have spent numerous hours online with their "techs" and have had 2 techs come to our home (with another one on their way).

    The first two weeks I was getting 25-30 mbps download speeds. I pinged several times throughout the day to verify. It was fast and great....until the modem re-sets started. This went on for 3 days. Back and forth with online techs. They wanted to blame my modem. A modem under their own approved list!! Brand new!! OK..whatever. I RMA-ed that bitch back to Amazon(knowing it wasn't at fault) and bought another one locally.

    I'm now on my second brand new modem (over $130) directly connected through Ethernet. I'm getting around 1-3 mbps pinging one state away??? It must be my modem again. I must just have bad luck with highly rated and recommended modems I guess.

    It's all BS. They just cannot provide reliable service. I'm testing during non peak hours too. Glad I still have Verizon DSL as a backup. Fun times downloading Windows updates from a fresh install via DSL but at least they are somewhat reliable. Comcast can you say the same?

  15. So I thought it was just us having daily problem with their internet and phone service. Every time we need to use the internet it happens to be down. My daughter needs to do her homework and she is been trying for the last hour without success. We have an appointment for someone to come out tomorrow, but they have done that before and it works for a while then it goes to shit again. I am actually mad at myself for still paying Comcast a high monthly fee for a service that does not work or it works at random times. Their custumer service sucks, you have to repeat yourself several times providing people with personal information and getting nothing resolved.

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  17. Worst company on earth. Comcast should be billed $100 every time a customer service call goes over 1hr, which would be every single time. oh... and I'm still only getting 66% of the bandwidth I pay for, after a year and a half, this is'nt some "maintenance" period, it's just plain shitty service. oh and recently my push notifications on my android phone stopped working over wifi, caused by shitty comcast ipv6 setup. i used to have TWC down south and never had any problems, I moved up north and got trapped using scamcast bs. Help us someone, save us from this despicable company!

  18. This company is horrible anyone with problems should go to local news and whomever it may concern about there robbery acts on there customers. People just complaining isn't gonna get you anywhere people have to anti up and do something even if the customers rally in front of a white house with there complaints because comcast isn't worried about your complaint they are to worried about collecting your money

  19. This company is horrible anyone with problems should go to local news and whomever it may concern about there robbery acts on there customers. People just complaining isn't gonna get you anywhere people have to anti up and do something even if the customers rally in front of a white house with there complaints because comcast isn't worried about your complaint they are to worried about collecting your money

  20. We're launching a startup that will provide better equipment and WAY better customer service and tech support. We don't completely cut out the ISP, but we make it so you dont have to call them for internet issues. for more info....

  21. I just moved from one apartment to the one next do or, a total move of 4 feet from door to door but can Comcast get any part of that right without fu#@ing it up...nope! First they told us that we HAD to have all new equipment, a new account number and even a new phone number. Then they told us that if they had to send out a technician it would cost us $100. At that point I said bs, I'll install the crap myself and I absolutely want to keep our phone number. They told me they would send out the equipment and no problem on the phone number. Come to find out the next day that they didn't send out the equipment (at least according to them) and thus they would send out a tech on a Sunday to install without the charge. So the tech shows up (really nice guy and the only positive part of this experience) and when I tell him the situation he says that we absolutely can use the old equipment. The reason I wanted to save the old equipment is that we had a ton of programs saved on the dvr and didn't want to loose them. Oh, by the way did I mention that on Sat we get a knock from one of our next door neighbors telling us that a box from Comcast was in front of one of the other apartments in the guessed it it was the equipment.
    This leads us to the aftermath of this stupidity...after the tech left I went to use the phone only to find that they had shut off our old number even though we told them we wanted to keep it! Then after another phone call to complain they said that it would take 24 to freeking 72 hours to turn the phone one.
    And now for what caused me to spend the time writing this rant...after having the tech check to make sure our recorded programs were still there (and they were) and even recording another program Sunday night by Monday thr recordings were GONE!

  22. Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome! Walmart Customer Service

  23. xfinity assistance bot is worthless, can't chat with real person. No phone number, just a bot that keeps asking u the same ?.
